Day: April 22, 2019

Pink Floyd – The Wall – Tonight with Jonathan Ross – tape 839

First on this tape, from Channel 4, Pink Floyd – The Wall. I’ll confess, I’m not overly familiar with the musical ouevre of Messrs Pink and Floyd, so this is, I think, the first time I’ve watched it. It’s directed by Alan Parker, who’s made some good films.

Bob Geldof plays (I’m assuming) a rock star, bored in his hotel room.

He’s remembering his father (I’m assuming) James Laurenson, who died in the war.

Young Bob Geldof (I’m assuming) reminds me a bit of Will Poulter.

There’s scenes of troops charging intercut with scenes of young people running to get into a stadium for a concert. There’s animation about how sad war is.

Geldof also imagines himself as some kind of fascist leader. Let’s be honest, haven’t we all done that at some point?

They play the hit, “We don’t need no Education” which itself clearly demonstrates they do need some education if only to improve that appalling grammar. A joke which has probably been made a million times about this song.

Some of the animation, designed by Gerald Scarfe (as is the whole film) is frankly rude.

Bob Hoskins eats a pineapple.

Bob Geldof is the most organised drug addict I’ve ever seen.

He’s watching The Dambusters on TV. I’m not sure this is because of any thematic resonance with the themes of the film, or just so they can play two lines of dialogue at two different times, both of which refer to Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s dog’s name, which just happens also to be a racial slur. I feel like this is edgy for edgy’s sake. Or Alan Parker’s a racist. Or possibly Roger Waters, who wrote the script.

Given that it goes full Third Reich at the end, with Fascist Geldof railing against Jews and Queers, it’s not impossible. I wish I was as clever as Roger Waters so I could understand what is going on in this movie.

Nice to see Nazi Geldof likes Black Panther though. Wakanda Forever!

And the final animation, featuring a High Court Judge who’s a literal arse just eludes me,

Well, I can’t say I’ll be going out and buying the vinyl.

After this, recording continues. There’s a bizarre trailer for a political version of Star Test, Star Chamber featuring Jack Straw.

Then there’s an episode of Tonight with Jonathan Ross.

First guest is Barry White.

Stand-up from Mark Lamarr

There’s magic from The Pendragons, a brilliant magic act but rather spoiled by later events, when they split up after he fired a gun at her during an argument (the bullet hit the floor).

The final guest is Kate Kray, who married Ronnie Kray after he was sent to prison.

Finally, some comedy from Jack Douglas.

After this, Channel Four closes down with Hayden Wood wishing us a very good night.


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  • trail: Sunday on Four
  • trail: Tonight with Jonathan Ross
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  • trail: Star Chamber
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