Day: February 22, 2016

The Roseanne Barr Show – The Late Show – Whose Line Is It Anyway? – tape 753

Here’s another mixed bag of a tape, although not quite as emblematic as yesterday’s.

First up, is The Roseanne Barr Show, which opens with a family scene which, presumably, pre-figures her sitcom family, and features a mystifying cameo from Freddie Krueger.

Freddie Krueger in Roseanne Barr


After this, recording switches to BBC2 and a Late Show special on Batman. It’s a look back at the history of the character to coincide with the release of Tim Burton’s 1989 feature.

Let’s see who’s being interviewed. Obviously, here’s Frank Miller, writer/artist of The Dark Knight Returns.

Frank Miller

Harlan Ellison, noted science fiction writer.

Harlan Ellison

Token academic Frederic Smoler

Frederic Smoler

Artist Jerry Robinson

Jerry Robinson

Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit and all-round comic book deity (who I met once at a book signing).

Will Eisner

Fred Finger, son of Bill Finger, commonly accepted as the co-creator of Batman.

Fred Finger

There’s a stagey re-enactment of Frederick Wertham, the man behind the moral panic over comics, with his book Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham is played by John Bird.

John Bird as Frederick Wertham

Artist Trina Robbins

Trina Robbins

Writer Denny O’Neill

Denny O'Neil

Producer of the TV Series William Dozier

William Dozier

Stanley Ralph Ross, one of the writers on the TV Series.

Stanley Ralph Ross

Anton Furst, the designer of Tim Burton’s movie, who died tragically young.

Anton Furst

BBC Genome: BBC Two – 15th June 1989 – 23:15

After this, another switch, and an episode of Whose Line is it Anyway? featuring Archie Hahn

Archie Hahn 2

Josie Lawrence

Josie Lawrence 7

Paul Merton

Paul Merton 5

and John Sessions

John Sessions 8

After this episode, recording stops, and there’s a fragment of an older recording of After Dark talking (topically) about Europe, including Edward Heath, Peter Ustinov, and Shirley Williams. Recording stops during this.


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