Day: May 31, 2024

Bob the Builder: Project Build It – Charlie and Lola – Space 1999 – Star Trek: The Next Generation – 26 Oct 2007

The first recording today starts with the recycling song, and Andy does some more building.

Then, another episode of Bob the Builder: Project Build ItPilchard’s Breakfast.

The gang are building a conservatory.

Pilchard the cat hasn’t had her breakfast, and Roley and Lofty can’t open the tin for her.

I wonder why cement is pink in Bob the Builder land?

Poor Pilchard is looking for something to eat. She sees a woman with a fish in her basket, but all the woman gives her is a scratch.

Pilchard sees a dog’s food bowl, but a barking dog frightens her off and she almost gets run over by Bob.

Lofty arrives to lift the conservatory roof, and has brought Pilchard’s bowl and a tin of cat food.

Lofty is a very nervous crane, and it’s making me nervous just watching him.

Media Centre Description: Animated adventures with Bob the Builder and all his friends as they construct a new, ecologically-friendly town from scratch. Bob sets off without giving Pilchard her breakfast. Roley and Lofty prove unable to open her tin of cat food, so Pilchard decides to fend for herself. Bob realises his mistake and takes Pilchard to the site for something to eat.

Recorded from CBeebies on Friday 26th October 2007 07:58

BBC Genome: CBeebies Friday 26th October 2007 08:00

After this, there’s a trail for The Large Family then Andy does the birthdays.

The recording stops during an episode of Bobinogs.

The next recording starts with a trail for Get Set Go and Andy plays more Lola’s Lunchbox.

Then, another repeat of Charlie and LolaI’m Really, Really, Really Concentrating. I looked at that on a previous showing.

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. It is Lola’s first-ever school sport’s day and, after much deliberation, she decides to enter the egg and spoon race – the most difficult race of all. How is she ever going to keep her egg on her spoon? The answer is concentration, and lots of it!

Recorded from CBeebies on Friday 26th October 2007 08:23

BBC Genome: CBeebies Friday 26th October 2007 08:25

After this, a Large Family trail, the Autumn song, and then the start of Tweenies.

The next recording is an episode of Space 1999War Games. I’ve already looked at this story on one of my tapes.

Media Centre Description: Intergalactic adventures of the space-travelling Moonbase Alpha team. Moonbase Alpha faces war with an unnamed planet, and Koenig faces a vision of the future.

Recorded from ITV4 on Friday 26th October 2007 18:58

The recording stops with the start of Police, Camera, Action.

The next recording starts with the end of a film called The Good Guys and the Bad Guys.

There’s a trail for Electric Proms and a trail for Visions of the Future.

Then, an episode of Star Trek: The Next GenerationHollow Pursuits. This one is a hoot, featuring Dwight Schulz (off of The A Team) as Lieutenant Barclay, who spends his off time on the holodeck beating up holograms of Riker and Geordi, and flirting with a holographic Deanna Troi.

But in reality, Barclay is frequently getting poor performance reports, and Geordi and Riker don’t think he’s Enterprise material. Luckily, Picard is a better boss than they are, and tells Geordi “He’s a member of your team. Try to find some way to help him to make a positive contribution. Get to know the man better. Make him your best friend.” “With all due respect, sir, “my best friend”? I can barely tolerate being in the same room with the man.” “I suggest you put your personal discomfort on one side, Commander.”

Some of Barclay’s holodeck programmes are more elaborate than others, like this one, in which Deanna is portrayed as the “Goddess of Empathy”.

Meanwhile, some strange things are happening on the ship. An anti-grav lift malfunctions, and now a glass has deformed.

Barclay reports to the bridge to update on his investigations of the loft and the glass. Picard thanks him. “I’ll look forward to your report, Mr. Broccoli.” Pause. “Barclay.” Patrick Stewart’s expression is priceless.

Geordi finds Barclay on the holodeck, and sees that he’s made characters of the command crew. He’s sympathetic. And Barclay explains his difficulties. “You don’t know what a struggle this has been for me, Commander.” “Well, I’d like to help if I can.” “Being afraid all of the time of forgetting somebody’s name not… not knowing what to do with your hands. I mean, I am the guy who writes down things to remember to say when there’s a party. And then when he finally gets there he winds up alone, in the corner trying to look comfortable examining a potted plant.”


Geordi insists Barclay have a counselling session with Deanna, which he finds a bit too much.

Riker and Geordi need him, so they go to the holodeck with Deanna to find him. Riker sees Barclay’s recreations of the crew, and comes face to face with his version of Riker. Geordi and Deanna find it quite funny. “You think this is funny?” “You are very tall. It might be threatening to some people.”

Deanna soon stops laughing when she encounters the Goddess of Empathy.

He even has Beverley in his programme.

The problems on the ship have increased, and now the engines are malfunctioning. Barclay and Geordi have to find the substance that is causing the equipment to malfunction before the ship falls apart at high warp. They find it in some cannisters recently beamed aboard. Once they’ve identified the substance, they can fix the engines by freezing them so the ship can slow down.

I’ve always liked this episode.

Media Centre Description: Sci-fi drama series about the crew of the Starship Enterprise. One of the ship’s engineering officers becomes obsessed with a holodeck programme, putting the ship in mortal danger by neglecting his post.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Saturday 27th October 2007 02:03

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Saturday 27th October 2007 02:05

After this there’s a trail for Spooks, then the recording stops after the start of the next episode.

The final recording today is that next episode of Star Trek: The Next GenerationThe Most Toys. Data is apparently killed in a shuttle explosion, but in fact has been captured by Kivas Fajo (Saul Rubinek), who’s a collector of unique objects.

Geordi and Wesley have to go through Data’s belongings. One of the things he’s kept is the hologram of Tasha Yar.

Data does not want to comply with Fajo’sorders. It’s made worse that he brings along another collector, and they really seem to be emphasising the grotesque nature, with all that gold on his face. The only reason Data hasn’t punched them all is that Fajo has a force field. So this time his defiance is to say and do nothing.

The crew now suspect that the environmental crisis they were dealing with, which required them purchasing hytritium from Fajo, might have been deliberately manufactured. And since Fajo was the only source of the hytritium, he’s the most likely suspect. And they realise his motive might have been to capture Data.

After Fajo threatens to kill one of his associates to force Data to do what he wants, she comes to Data and asks him to take her with him if she helps him escape.

She gets shot by Fajo when alarms go off.

Data gets the gun, but Fajo says that Data won’t kill him because he has a “Fundamental respect for all living beings.” He gloats. “If only you could feel rage over Varria’s death. If only you could feel a need for revenge, then maybe you could fire. But you’re just an android. You can’t feel anything, can you? It’s just another interesting intellectual puzzle for you, another of life’s curiosities.” But Data raises the gun. “I cannot permit this to continue.”

But the Enterprise has reached them, and Data is beamed away. Chief O’Brien detects the weapon, and says it’s been discharged.

Data is back on the Enterprise. “Please arrange to have Kivas Fajo taken into custody on charges of murder, kidnapping, theft…” “The arrangements have already been made.” He hands the gun to Riker. “A Varon-T disrupter. It belongs to Fajo.” “Mr. O’Brien says the weapon was in a state of discharge.” Data simply says “Perhaps something occurred during transport, Commander.”

Data visits Fajo in the brig. Fajo whines about their “roles being reversed”. Data tells him “Your collection has been confiscated. All of your stolen possessions are being returned to their rightful owners. You have lost everything you value.” “That must give you great pleasure.” “No, sir, it does not. I do not feel pleasure. I am only an android.” I’ve no idea why, but this final scene made me cry. Oh wait – I cry at everything, that’s the reason.

Media Centre Description: Sci-fi drama series set on board the USS Enterprise. The crew are forced to negotiate with a space trader for a rare and unstable substance needed to neutralise contaminated water. While carrying the dangerous cargo, Data’s shuttle explodes. Geordi, unable to accept the death of his friend, suspects foul play and investigates.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Saturday 27th October 2007 02:48

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Saturday 27th October 2007 02:50

After this there’s a trail for Electric Proms. Then the recording stops as BBC 2 shows Pages from Ceefax.


  • Welcome Car Finance
  • JML Magic Carpet
  • Vauxhall Corsa
  • IBM
  • Panasonic Viera
  • Optical Express
  • Screwfix
  • New York City
  • Brylcreem
  • Dirty Dancing 20th Anniversary DVD
  • Vauxhall Corsa
  • Dollond & Aitchison
  • The Guardian
  • Sky
  • Post Office – Joan Collins
  • BT Total Broadband – Kris Marshall
  • Sony Centre
  • Tropicana
  • trail: History of the World Part 1
  • Metrod Prime 3 Corruption
  • Direct Line
  • Rendition in cinemas
  • National Lottery
  • 118 118
  • Ing Direct
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola
  • Nivea for Men
  • Transitions
  • Transitions
  • National Lottery
  • Halifax
  • BT – Kris Marshall
  • Rennie Dual Action
  • trail: Jericho