Day: May 24, 2024

Charlie and Lola – Grosse Pointe Blank – Star Trek: The Next Generation – 19 Oct 2007

The first recording today starts with the end of Bobinogs.

There’s an Eco Beebies trail.

Then, another episode of Charlie and LolaI Just Love My Red Shiny Shoes. This one is one I looked at on a previous showing.

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. Lola’s favourite red shiny shoes no longer fit, and Dad insists that she gets a new pair of shoes. Lola is not having any of it; her old red shiny shoes are her favourite and she is definitely not going to change them, not ever! After trying on hundreds of other shoes, Dad makes her get some brown shoes with big buckles, but will Lola ever learn to like them?

Recorded from CBeebies on Friday 19th October 2007 08:23

BBC Genome: CBeebies Friday 19th October 2007 08:25

After this, there’s a Get Set Go trail, and the ever-present Autumn song. The start of Tweenies ends this recording.

The next recording starts with the end of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross where Take That are performing Rule the World, which just coincidentally is the end titles song from the film Stardust which happens to have been co-written by Jonathan’s wife Jane Goldman.

There’s trails for Armstrong & Miller and Fanny Hillplus the BBC News Website promo.

Then, there’s a movie, Grosse Pointe Blank, which I have already talked about on one of my tapes.

Media Centre Description: Black comedy about a hit man who returns to his home town to carry out a murder and arrives just in time for his high school reunion. There he encounters the girl he stood up at the senior prom ten years earlier and, while trying to make amends, faces the problem of explaining where he has been and his current choice of profession. To make matters worse, two FBI heavies and a rival hit man are hot on his trail.

Recorded from BBC ONE on Friday 19th October 2007 23:35

BBC Genome: BBC ONE Friday 19th October 2007 23:35

After this, a trail for Spooks and Electric Proms.

There’s some Weather, and the recording ends during a public information film about donating blood.

The next recording starts with an episode of Star Trek: The Next GenerationCaptain’s Holiday already in progress. In fact the first 12 minutes or so are missing. Captain Picard has been persuaded to take a holiday on the planet Risa, which is always presented as basically a sex planet, and they’re not shying away from that here. It’s not Picard’s cup of tea. All he wants to do is sit and read his book, but women keep asking him if there’s anything he wants. It’s all very creepy. Surely there was a museum planet somewhere he’d really enjoy. Then the woman explains that he keeps getting approached because he’s got a “Horga’hn” which Riker asked him to buy for him. “The Horga’hn is the Risian symbol of sexuality. To own one is to call forth its powers. To display it is to announce you are seeking jamaharon.”

A Ferengi thinks Picard is working with a woman because earlier he saw the woman kiss him (which she did to distract the Ferengi). He’s going on about a disk. Picard tells him to bugger off, in slightly more polite language.

Soon after, the woman in question comes to talk to him, and introduces herself as Vash. The Ferengi is even more convinced Picard must be working with her, and she secretes something in Picard’s pocket without him or the Ferengi noticing.

In his room, he finds two aliens who claim to be from the future. They’re looking for something called the Tox Uthat, a very dangerous weapon which was brought back into the past by the scientist who created it, and they’re now back to retrieve it. Their records tell them that Picard might have found it but he tells them he hasn’t found anything.

When they leave, he finds the disc that Vash put in his pocket, and goes to see her. She persuades him to help her find whatever it is. The Ferengi tries to come with them, but Picard just punches him in the face, which is very satisfying.

He catches up with them when they get to where the thing is supposedly buried, but in the end, they don’t find anything, and he’s left digging on his own.

But Picard isn’t convinced, and intercepts Vash as she’s leaving. Sure enough, she had already got the thing from the dig site, but she needed the Ferengi to see that it wasn’t there.

The aliens from the future arrive to take the thing away, and this time it’s Vash’s turn to be suspicious, a suspicion which is amplified when they start pointing guns. So Picard, who obviously also suspected something, and prepared Riker to do something with the transporter earlier, puts the device on the floor and steps away, so the transporter beam can destroy it.

Media Centre Description: Sci-fi drama series set on board the USS Enterprise. Getting away from it all on the tropical resort of Risa, Picard is rudely interrupted by a security team from the 27th century – 300 years in the future – who enlist him in their search for a missing secret weapon.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Saturday 20th October 2007 03:13

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Saturday 20th October 2007 03:15

After this, there’s a trail for Electric Proms. Then the recording stops as the next episode starts.

Luckily, the next recording starts with the end of the previous episode. It’s Star Trek: The Next GenerationTin Man.

It guest stars a pre-Buffy Harry Groener as a betazoid telepath, Tam Elbrun, who’s really annoying, hates being around people, and has come to the Enterprise as an expert on contacting a new life form.

The new life form is a living spaceship that’s in orbit around a star that’s about to go supernova, that has been nicknamed Tin Man.

But Romulans are after it too.

In the end, Tam Elbrun enters Tin Man with Data, and decides he’s going to stay there, where his telepathic mind can finally be at peace. It even makes a nice chair for him. Tin Man pushes both the Romulan ship and the Enterprise billions of miles away from the exploding star, and also deposits Data back on the Enterprise.

Media Centre Description: Sci-fi drama series set on board the USS Enterprise. The ship is thrust into a face-off with the Romulans over a new life form, an organic spaceship which lost its crew long ago and is now orbiting a star which is on the point of exploding.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Saturday 20th October 2007 03:43

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Saturday 20th October 2007 03:45

After this, there’s a longer trailer for Long Way Down.

Then BBC2 closes down for a while with Pages from Ceefax.