Day: May 18, 2024

Robin Hood – 13 Oct 2007

Just one recording today, which starts with the end of Strictly Come Dancing.

There’s a trail for Spooks.

Plus a Children in Need trail.

Then, an episode of the new series of Robin Hood. I think it’s quite odd that I haven’t seen a single trail for this show at all, and I also seem to have missed the first episode, as this episode is The Booby and the Beast.

Robin and his men break into Nottingham Castle and find the Sheriff’s war chest, but the strongroom has too many defences.

The Sheriff has built a Casino because a German count is visiting, and he loves to play dice. This looks like a very modern table to me.

Count Friedrich is played by Dexter Fletcher.

The Sheriff makes Marian look after the Count.

Allan a Dale is informing to Gisborne about Robin’s plans.


Marian discovers that the Count is no Booby, and knows all about the crooked Sheriff.

While Robin and his gang are trying to break into the strongroom, the Count and Marian are gambling with the Sheriff. The Count knows the Sheriff is going to cheat, and he wouldn’t be allowed to leave if he won everything, but he knows that Robin is breaking into the strongroom where his lost money would go. So he bets the Sheriff everything he has, against the contents of the strongroom.

The traps in the strongroom are a bit scary. That looks like Lava in that pit, which seems unlikely for the very non-volcanic Nottingham landscape.

And the big box of treasure is an illusion on a sheet of glass.

The Sheriff switches the dice to loaded ones, so the Count loses. He uses this opportunity to free Marian from her job of looking after him. “Lady Marian, you have brought me nothing but bad luck. Your attentions are no longer welcome. Auf Weidersehen!”

Robin finds the real treasure, and they get out just in time for the strongroom to fill with molten lead.

Media Centre Description: Drama series which gives a contemporary feel to the classic Robin Hood legend. A medieval grand casino arrives at Nottingham Castle which the Sheriff isn’t planning to lose, so he’s built a strongroom containing a labyrinth of deadly traps to guard the gambling silver. With the help of Marian and the wealthy and apparently feckless Bavarian count who’s unwittingly about to be fleeced by the Sheriff, Robin is determined to beat the complex security system.

Recorded from BBC ONE on Saturday 13th October 2007 19:28

BBC Genome: BBC ONE Saturday 13th October 2007 19:30

After this, there’s a Strictly vote reminder, and a trail for Waterloo Road.

Then the recording stops with a couple of minutes of The National Lottery In It to Win It.