Day: June 2, 2023

Postman Pat – Totally Doctor Who – Blue Peter – 15 May 2006

First today, it’s back to Greendale for Postman PatSpring Dance. Julian shows Pat his “Bollywood Dance”. That’s cultural appropriation, that is. Although they’re doing it for school.

Sara is looking forward to the dance, but Pat is unsure, as he seems not to be a good dancer.

Even Mrs Goggins is dancing.

At the dance, the children do their Bollywood Special.

To Sara’s surprise, Pat turns u at the dance in a sparkly suit, and dances with her.

Media Centre Description: Children’s stop-frame animation. Postman Pat and his cat Jess deliver the post to residents of Greendale, including Mrs Goggins the post-mistress, Reverend Timms, PC Arthur Selby and Dr Sylvia Gilbertson. Everyone is practising different dances for the Spring Dance. Ted teaches Pat how to dance. Pat surprises Sara by whisking her onto the dance floor.

BBC Genome: CBeebies – Monday 15th May 2006 – 06:40

Next, it’s Totally Doctor Who, which we missed from its original broadcast date. Head of Make Up Sheelagh Wells is in the studio.

Jessica Atkins, who played young Reinette in The Girl in the Fireplace is interviewed,

Companion Academy has them building a wooden toy.

Camille Coduri is back in the studio.

Liz tries on some costumes with the help of Sean O’Hara.

There’s another Who-ru

Media Centre Description: Barney Harwood and Liz Barker present a show celebrating the the latest adventures of the last living Time Lord. They look at anything and everything that Doctor Who has inspired children to create and do – from TARDIS-shaped garden sheds to new alien designs, from DIY special effects to new versions of the theme music. There’s also the Companion Academy, in which eight young hopefuls who think they’ve got what it takes to travel with a Time Lord are recruited.

Recorded from CBBC Channel on Monday 15 May 2006 13:00

BBC Genome: CBBC Channel Monday 15 May 2006 (still broken) Here’s Thursday’s broadcast listing: BBC One London – Thursday 11th May 2006 – 17:00

The last recording today is Blue Peter. Gethin goes to the Doctor Who set, and talks to Andrew Hayden-Smith.

He also talks to Billie Piper.

And David Tennant.

Gethin gets to be a Cyberman in a scene.

He talks to producer Phil Collinson.

Back in the Blue Peter studio, Liberty X sing their new single.

Another guest in the studio is writer Jaqueline Wilson.

Media Centre Description: Gethin goes behind the scenes on the set of the new series of Dr Who and he stars as a Cyberman in one of the upcoming episodes. Liberty X perform their new single X and in the Blue Peter book club Jacqueline Wilson talks about her new book, Great Books To Read Aloud.

Recorded from BBC ONE on Monday 15 May 2006 16:58

BBC Genome: BBC One London – Monday 15th May 2006 – 17:00