Charlie and Lola – Blue Peter – 27 Jan 2006

First today, Charlie and LolaSay Cheese. Lola is having her very first school photo taken. Will she be able to stay clean and tidy for it?

Lola doesn’t have a great history of staying clean for photos.

Charlie’s school photo is very smart. I have never seen him wear this uniform.

There’s a slight mishap with the pink milk. But she rubs it off and says “All gone.”

Lola is delighted with her painting.

In the end the picture isn’t the cleanest and tidiest she’s been.

But the parents give them permission to use some old photos to make a new one. This made me wince – cutting up old photographs? Where’s Photoshop?

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Charlie and Lola, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. Lola wants to stay clean for her first school photo.

BBC Genome: BBC Two England – Friday 27th January 2006 – 10:15

The next recording is Blue Peter. I’ve actually got two copies of this recording, archived on two separate drives, but one of them was edited, while the other looks like the full recording, albeit missing the first minute or so – CBBC Scheduling back to their bad ways, I think.

They start with some highlights from Mabel the dog’s ten years as a Blue Peter pet.

Another nice wide shot of the studio

Leading into the second part of Matt’s make of the Blue Peter Studio.

Liz visits a girl who goes to Boarding School.

Matt and Gethin go Dunesurfing in Namibia.

And Duneskiing. With obligatory use of the Ski Sunday theme.

Media Centre Description: There’s a celebration of the 250th birthday of Mozart, plus the second part of the creative make of the Blue Peter studio.

BBC Genome: BBC One London – Friday 27th January 2006 – 17:00

After this, there’s a trail for FA Cup football, and a look ahead to the weekend’s programmes. Then there’s the start of Newsround leading with a report on the 24,000 children whose details and DNA are being kept by the police despite none of them being charged or convicted for any crime.


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