Film 96 – Horizon – tape 2140

This tape opens with Film 96 which this week looks at the following releases:

Barry also talks to Sharon Stone about Casino and her career.

BBC Genome: BBC One – 19th February 1996 – 22:45

After this, recording switches, and we get the end of a TV movie starring Meredith Baxter Birney off of Family Ties, and Christopher Reeve, called Bump in the Night.

There’s a trailer for The X Files.

Then, more Film 96 in which Barry looks at

There’s a report from Kirsty Young from the National Museum of Film and Television.

BBC Genome: BBC One – 26th February 1996 – 23:40

Before the next episode, the very end of A Kiss Before Dying and trailers for Trip Trap and Silent Witness.

Then, a special episode of Film 96 which talks to Anthony Hopkins about his role in Oliver Stone’s Nixon.

BBC Genome: BBC One – 4th March 1996 – 23:40

After this recording switches to BBC2. There’s a brief short programme about Flamingoes in a series called Animal Tracks.

There’s a trailer for Modern Times.

Then, HorizonPlanet Hunters. It opens with the story of Andrew Lyne, the first person to announce the discovery of an exoplanet, a planet orbiting another star. He was shortly to fly to America, to give a presentation of his work to scientists there, and he decided to look over the data again. Suddenly he realised he’d made a mistake in his calculations, and the evidence of the planet ‘just melted away’. “I was just completely numb for half and hour – an hour. I just sat there going through everything that I’d said over the last six months to all sorts of people, realising that it was mostly complete rubbish, and I’d really made a really fundamental error.”

This is really interesting, especially when you realise that at the time this programme was made, only a handful of exoplanets had been detected. Over the last 20 years, the techniques to detect them have moved significantly, and there are now over 3,600 known exoplanets.

BBC Genome: BBC Two – 11th March 1996 – 20:00

Following this, a trailer for a Horizon special, Einstein: Miracle Year.

Then a trailer for Our Friends in the North.

Then, there’s the start of a short programme, Personal View, presents A Bad Time to be a Man which proceeds to give us a parade of middle aged men who have recently bought motorcycles. Two of them are literally called Phil Mann and John Mann.

Recording switches to the end of Match of the Day with an FA Cup match (Southampton v Man Utd).

There’s a trailer for They Think it’s All Over.

Then, Film 96 with Barry Norman’s views on:

Tom Brooks reports on the delayed Julia Roberts movie Mary Reilly. And Kirsty Young looks at the making of Toy Story.

BBC Genome: BBC One – 11th March 1996 – 22:45

Recording switches, and we get the end of Jaws The Revenge. I’ve never quite understood the ending. Mrs Brody actually has a flashback to the first movie, to a scene she was never in, although we can presume she’s imagining the scene her husband described to her. And somehow Lance Guest’s magic machine makes the shark rise up in the water so Brody can spear it with the broken ship’s brow.

Also, in this version, Mario Van Peebles gets eaten, but I’m sure in the version I saw in the cinema, he somehow survived being chomped by the shark. Is this another instance of the Mandela effect, or was the UK release different?

After this there’s a trailer for Eastenders. There’s also a trailer for Omnibus on George Lucas.

Then, more from Barry Norman, and we’ve skipped forwards a year to Film 97, with reviews of:

There’s a look at what’s changed in the Special Editions.

Katie Derham has a report on dogs in the movies. There’s a tribute to Fred Zinneman.

BBC Genome: BBC One – 17th March 1997 – 23:40

After this, there’s a trailer for Attack of the 50ft Woman. And for Have Your Cake and Eat It.

Then, there’s the start of Hair, the rock musical. The tape ends a little way into the movie.


  1. Apparently “Jaws: The Revenge” was originally released with Van Peebles’ character, but the ending was reshot (yes, AFTER the movie came out) and the new climax was on the later prints. And on the video release. It’s hard to believe that was Universal’s big summer movie of 1987…

    1. So we presumably got the reshot ending when they released it in the UK. I guess it’s nice that this bit is the original ending, for curiosity sake.

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