Heroes – Heroes Unmasked – 21 Nov 2007

Today’s first recording starts with a trail for Radio 5 Live and a trail for Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

Then, a repeat of HeroesFive Years Gone, seen last week.

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly-discovered superpowers they possess. Thrown five years in the future, Hiro and Ando discover that people with extraordinary abilities are not only widely known about, but are being registered, imprisoned, hunted and even killed as terrorists. As the President takes his first step towards a ‘final solution’, the pair get swept up in what could be a final battle and encounter a range of new and darkly familiar faces.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 21st November 2007 21:00

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 21st November 2007 21:00

After this, there’s a trail for Heroes next week.

A trail for Lead Balloon.

And trails for The Might Boosh and Radio 1Xtra.

Then the recording ends with the very start of the next programme.

The next recording is Heroes UnmaskedTomorrow’s World.

Dennis Hammer calls the episode a cautionary tale.

Jack Coleman: “It gave everyone a chance to do something different.”

Milo Ventimiglia: “Peter is a battle-torn veteran.”

James Kyson Lee on Future Hiro’s timeline in Isaac’s loft: “We are in awe of what exactly this setting is. It’s almost like a spider’s web, or a labyrinth of some sort.”

Masi Oka: “Hiro took over the space and kind of made it into his own Batcave.”

Debra McGuire talks about creating future Hiro.

Sendhil Ramamurthy waxes lyrical about the amazing Oval Office set.

But Ruth Ammon is honest, and explains that it’s a stock Oval Office set, “I think ours came from West Wing, you fix it up, patch all the walls, and paint the colour you choose. You still have to make choices, but that was stock scenery.”

Adrian Pasdar: “For whatever it’s worth, I’m just a stinking actor, I’m just a schlub, but at the end of the day, to be able to stand in the Oval Office and pretend to be the President, even for five minutes is quite an honour.”

The recording stops before the programme does.

Media Centre Description: Behind the scenes secrets of the drama series Heroes. This week’s episode’s action jumps five year’s into the future- a challenge for the cast and crew to create realistically. Actors Jack Coleman (Mr Bennet), Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli) and Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura) discuss the complexity of portraying their characters five years on. This was particularly hard for one actor whose character became evil in the interim.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 21st November 2007 21:45

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 21st November 2007 21:45

The final recording today starts with a trail for Radio 1Xtra, one for Can Fat Teens Hunt? and one for The House of Tiny Tearaways.

There’s also a trail for Titty Bang Bang 3Never Mind the Buzzcocks and The Mighty Boosh.

Then, a new episode of HeroesThe Hard Part.

Peter is saying goodbye to Claire. He tells her that he thinks he’s going to explode like a bomb. “Like a nuclear bomb. Like Ted.”

Sylar is painting the future, and sees Ted Sprague. “He’s the exploding man. I’m going to take his power. I’m going to explode? Is this my future? Is that what you saw, Isaac?” He phones Mohinder to ask for his help, telling him what he’s seen. But he rings off when he hears Mohinder dialling 911.

DL knows that Linderman has taken Micah and goes off to find him. Niki, still trapped in the mirror, pleads with Jessica to help him, for Micah’s sake.

Mohinder accepts Thompson’s offer of a job. He wants him to examine Molly Walker, the young girl that Matt Parkman found in the house where her parents had been killed by Sylar. She’s got a virus. “Her nucleotides are decomposing. Prevents her from accessing her ability. There’s been one other case. An Indian girl, 1974.” “My sister. Shanti died.”

DL’s power is walking through walls. He and Jessica get to Linderman’s vault. They find Isaac’s picture of Micah along with a lot of items about the two of them. DL realises that Linderman has been manipulating their whole lives.

Mohinder talks to Molly and learns that her ability is to find anyone. “You find them? Anywhere in the world?” “Yeah, I just think about them, and then I know where they are. But it doesn’t work right now.”

Peter and Claire tell Nathan about Ted, and that maybe Peter isn’t the bomb after all. But when they leave, Nathan phones Linderman.

Hiro and Ando go to Isaac’s apartment, find him dead, and Sylar there instead. They teleport away before Sylar finds them, and follow him as he goes to see his mother. He’s having a crisis and wonders if he should just stay with her and stop. Of course he doesn’t tell her what he has to stop. “maybe I don’t have to be special. That’s OK to just be a normal watchmaker. Can’t you just tell me that’s enough?” Why would I tell you that when I know you could be so much more? If you wanted, you could be president.”

Claire and Peter go to Nathan’s campaign headquarters. I don’t quite understand why, since the last time we saw them they told Nathan about Ted at his home. But this scene allows them to see Nathan talking to Thompson, who Claire knows very well.

Micah is being looked after by Candice, the shapeshifter. But he knows something’s wrong, as when she goes for a shower, he takes the opportunity to leave the room and try to escape But wherever he goes, he ends up back in the hotel room. Candice tells him “I can make you see anything I want. Makes it kind of hard to get away, huh?” “Where’s my mom?” “Look, I don’t want to hurt you. I like you. But if you don’t listen to what Mr Linderman says, well, I’ll show you things that’ll seriously mess you up for life. So you need to behave.”

Sylar shows his mother his powers by freezing a water spray into snow, because she collects snowglobes. Then he starts making her snowglobes fly around the room, and it freaks her out.

“You’re not Gabriel. You’re damned, and I want you out of my house.” He struggles with her. She grabs scissors, more struggling, and she ends up with the scissors in her chest.

Hiro takes this opportunity to freeze time and try to kill Sylar, but he hesitates, and Sylar somehow breaks out of the freeze. He grabs the sword and starts freezing it. Ando comes in, Hiro grabs him and teleports them both away.

Mohinder realises where the cure is for Molly’s condition – it’s in his blood. So he gives her a transfusion of his own blood.

Peter gives Claire a gun, to kill him if he looks like he’s going to explode.

Nathan’s mother gives him a stirring pep talk. “President Truman dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II. Killed thousands to save millions.” “That was different, Ma, we were at war. I can’t accept this.” “That is your one weakness, Nathan – you have no faith. How could you possibly believe this bomb could actually heal the world if you have no faith in the idea of destiny? Your destiny, Nathan, is to set the course of history after this unspeakable act has occurred. The people will look back on what you do as the freshman congressman from New York, and they will thank you. For your strength, for your conviction, for your faith.”

Peter knows that Ted is in New York, because he drew him there, so he and Claire go to find him. She also finds her father with him.

But Peter starts absorbing Ted’s power, and it looks like he might not stop.

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly-discovered superpowers they possess. Knowing what’s at stake if they fail in their mission, Hiro and Ando’s determination to save the world is put to the test. Committed to the path, Nathan takes surprising steps to guarantee his election. Jessica and D.L. begin to learn how their family fits into Linderman’s plans. Thompson brings someone new into his company’s fold. With more and more blood on his hands, Sylar visits his mum.

Recorded from BBC THREE on Wednesday 21st November 2007 22:00

BBC Genome: BBC THREE Wednesday 21st November 2007 22:00

After this there’s trails for Don’t Tell The Bride and Titty Bang Bang 3.

Then the recording stops during an episode of Family Guy.

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