SMart – Heroes – Heroes Unmasked – 14 Nov 2007

The first recording today starts with the end of Bear Behaving Badly.

There’s a Children in Need trail.

Then, an episode of SMartFood. First, some painted toast.

Mark makes a picture with flour.

Some edible stained glass windows using boiled sweets and dough.

Kirsten meets Prudence Emma Staite, as artist who makes sculptures out of chocolate, all designed to be eaten.

She and Kirsten make some chocolate portraits.

Mark makes a picture with rice.

Morph tries his hand at teaching.

Kirsten makes some pop-art with potato prints.

Mark helps some children with their art problems.

There’s a brief biography of Cezanne.

The big studio art piece is portraits made from a lot of food.

Media Centre Description: Mark Speight and Kirsten O’Brien present the programme that turns everyday objects into exciting and easy-to-make pictures, as well as answering art queries. Kirsten’s dreams come true as she learns to make art with chocolate, Mark gets creative with flour and there are some surprising facts about old master Cezanne.

Recorded from CBBC Channel on Wednesday 14th November 2007 10:43

BBC Genome: CBBC Channel Wednesday 14th November 2007 10:45

After this, there’s an ad for the CBBC website, and the recording finishes with the start of Get 100.

The next recording starts with the end of Autumnwatch and a look at what’s on across the BBC.

There’s a Radio 5 Live trail and a trail for Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

Then, a repeat of the Heroes episode we saw last week.07%.

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly-discovered superpowers they possess. After ‘helping’ Suresh search for more people with special abilities, Sylar’s rampage continues with two Heroes being confronted by the stronger-powered serial killer. Nathan must factor what he’s learned from Linderman into difficult decisions that will shape the future. As Thompson uses every tool at his disposal to find Claire, Linderman drafts Jessica into his far-reaching plans.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 14th November 2007 21:00

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 14th November 2007 21:00

After this there’s a trail for Lead Balloon and a trail for The Might Boosh.

Then there’s the start of Heroes Unmasked…

Which continues in the next recording. It’s Heroes UnmaskedIsaac which says goodbye to Isaac Mendez. It’s still quite odd to hear him with his natural UK accent.

There’s a clip of him in a UK production of Taming of the Shrew.

Oh God, now they’re captioning Mr Bennet as “H.R.G.” Make it stop.

Milo Ventimiglia talks about his relationship with Isaac, before heading off to a job interview.

Ruth Ammon talks a lot about the design of the rooftop outside Isaac’s apartment, and how it started as one of Isaac’s paintings, so they needed a distinct piece of decoration that would make it instantly recognisable.

Dennis Hammer: “It was a very difficult thing to lose him because he’s a fantastic guy and gave a great performance and it was one of the things in the first season that was difficult.”

My recording cuts off before the end.

Media Centre Description: Behind the scenes of the drama series Heroes. This edition looks at Isaac Mendez, the character who has overcome drugs, the loss of his girlfriend and the prospect of death, whilst still managing to remain a Hero. Includes an exclusive interview with actor Santiago Cabrera, plus a look at how the Deveaux Rooftop was created and conceived, a set that has been the scene of dramas for so many of the Heroes.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 14th November 2007 21:45

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 14th November 2007 21:45

The last recording today starts with the end of Drop Dead Gorgeous.

There’s 60 Seconds of news.

There’s a trail for Radio 5 Live and The Mighty Boosh.

Next, there is a new episode of HeroesFive Years Gone.

Future Hiro explains to Hiro and Ando what happened. “Five years ago, a man named Sylar exploded in the heart of the city, changing the world forever.” In this future, Hiro tried to kill Sylar but couldn’t because Sylar had already got Claire’s powers. Hiro tells him that Peter got his message, and saved Claire. Future Hiro asks him if he killed Sylar, and Hiro has to tell him no. He tells Hiro he has to go back. “On the day the bomb explodes, you have to kill Sylar.”

But their discussion is cut short as the authorities arrive – led by Matt Parkman. Is he working for the bad guys now? He captures Hiro, but Ando and Future Hiro get away.

They need help to get Hiro back so he can go back in time to kill Sylar. They need to find Peter, so they go to Las Vegas, where Peter’s girlfriend is. Guess who she is? It’s Jessica. Of course, Ando’s reaction is “Maybe the future’s not so bad.” Hardly surprising, since he was one of her best customers when she was selling webcam access.

She doesn’t want to take them to see Peter. When she meets Peter, he’s got a huge scar on his face. I was hoping for an eyepatch or a goatee, given this is sort-of an alternate universe story, but a big scar counts too. But we do learn that it’s not Jessica, but Niki, who’s in charge.

Nathan is President. He talks to Mohinder, asking if he’s found a way to reverse the superpowers. Mohinder admits he hasn’t. Nathan starts talking about another option. “In your original assessment, you posited a potential solution. Extinction.” “Yes, but I never meant to suggest that…” “‘They wouldn’t be the first species to be exterminated for the preservation of another.’ Your words.” “I was talking about the natural order of things. What you’re talking about is genocide.” “Self-defence. And I’m not suggesting it lightly. We’ve just run out of options.” “You’re one of them, Nathan. Am I supposed to march you off to the gas chambers as well?” “I’m thankful for the secrets you’ve kept. But let’s be honest. I can fly. I’m hardly dangerous.”

Bennet appears to be running some kind of underground railroad for superpowered people. And because he’s a good guy now, he’s lost the horn-rimmed glasses. Future Hiro and Ando ask him to put them in contact with some of the people he’s saved. They use the fact that Hiro helped save Claire’s life five years ago to work on him.

Bennet goes to see Claire and tells her she needs to disappear again. But she’s got a boyfriend and they’re planning to get married.

Parkman almost captures Ando and Future Hiro  but Peter arrives and gets them away. Parkman goes to see Bennet, who had tipped Parkman off about them, so they’re working together. But Parkman turns on Bennet, and finds out where Claire is from him, so he can bring her to Nathan.

Ando learns from Peter that he’s dead in the future.

Mohinder tells Nathan that he thinks Hiro is trying to go back to the past and Kill Sylar, stop the bomb and save the world. Nathan tells him “Today I’m going to announce that you’ve developed a treatment to reverse this.” “You’re going to lie.” “The world will cheer.” “And what happens when people start dying?” “I’ll say you made a mistake… ..a fatal error. At first, the world will mourn. They’ll be united in grief. And then they’ll just be united.” Then Parkman arrives to tell him that the Hiro they have in custody is one of two. Parkman says “I want to put him down.” “No. I want Dr Suresh to do it.”

Parkman has brought Claire back for Nathan. He’s monologuing now. “I’m the leader of the free world. For all I know, I’m the most special person there is. Lord knows I found enough power. Met a lot of special people. Like this girl named Candice, who allowed me to become president. But I’m done. I just want to eliminate the competition. I don’t need any more power, especially not after you.” Then he changes into Sylar and starts taking the top of her head off. This is getting very grim.

Peter, Future Hiro and Ando go to the DHS to rescue Hiro.

Upstairs, Mohinder is there, about to deliver the fatal poison to Hiro, while the Haitian uses his power blocking powers to keep Hiro there, and to ensure that Peter and Future Hiro can’t get past Matt and his troops. But Mohinder hasn’t lost all his morals, and he injects the Haitian instead, which allows Peter and Future Hiro to use their powers to get to Hiro.

It’s a good thing Mohinder read Isaac’s comic. This is what Isaac meant when he told Sylar he was giving them the means to kill him.

Future Hiro gets shot by Parkman. He phones Nathan, who’s just given his address telling the world he’s discovered the cure. He tells him that Peter’s holding him off, so Nathan/Sylar just flies away from the memorial.

He gets Peter out of the room, and the two face off, Sylar revealing his true identity.

Hiro transports Ando and himself back in time, after some encouraging words from Ando. He’s back on the balcony outside Isaac’s apartment. He looks at the comic, showing him killing Sylar. “Now the hard part.”

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly-discovered superpowers they possess. Thrown five years in the future, Hiro and Ando discover that people with extraordinary abilities are not only widely known about, but are being registered, imprisoned, hunted and even killed as terrorists. As the President takes his first step towards a ‘final solution’, the pair get swept up in what could be a final battle and encounter a range of new and darkly familiar faces.

Recorded from BBC THREE on Wednesday 14th November 2007 22:00

BBC Genome: BBC THREE Wednesday 14th November 2007 22:00

After this there’s a trail for The Mighty Boosh and Radio 1Xtra.

Then the recording stops with the start of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. No, they’re not re-running the series, it’s the rather less successful original movie.


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