Heroes – Heroes Unmasked – 07 Nov 2007

The first recording today starts with the end of Autumnwatch.

There’s a look at programmes across the BBC. I wonder why they’re excluding BBC Three.

There’s a trail for Capturing Mary and a trail for Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

Then, a repeat of HeroesParasite which we looked at last week.

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly discovered superpowers they possess. With the election and NYC’s destruction looming, Nathan has a disturbing meeting with the shadowy Linderman. Hiro’s attempt to steal the sword steers him into a grim new direction. Suresh makes a breakthrough on ‘the list’, but at great cost. DL begins to suspect all is not well at home. Isaac paints his most terrible painting yet. New Hero Candice Wilmer makes an illusive debut.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 7th November 2007 21:00

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 7th November 2007 21:00

After this there’s a trail for Lead Balloon.

there’s a trail for Radio 1Xtra.

and a Match of the Day themed Children in Need trail.

Then the recording stops with the start of the next programme…

Which is Heroes Unmasked. My recording is missing an episode title, but Genome tells me it’s Bad Company.

Sendhil Ramamurthy wonders why nobody believes him when he tells them about the genetic clues to superheroes.

Zachary Quinto talks about Sylar using all the tools of logic to persuade a scientist that he can help him.

Jeph Loeb: “One of the things that Zach is awesome at is taking on other people’s personalities.”

It slightly took me by surprise that, when the subject turns to Malcolm McDowell, they start playing the Z-Cars theme.

Dennis Hammer says McDowell was at the top of the list.

Adrian Pasdar: “When you’ve got a universal icon and a legend like Malcolm McDowell, you just feel like… wow! If I’m going to be beholden to somebody, ot’s got to be somebody with weight, and Mr McDowell certainly brings that.” There’s a lot of people saying nice things about Malcolm McDowell so I wasn’t surprised there was no interview with the man himself.

Did the actors playing the Petrelli brothers decide that they’d dress as each other for these interviews?

The episode stops before the programme ends.

Media Centre Description: Behind the scenes of the drama series.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Wednesday 7th November 2007 21:45

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Wednesday 7th November 2007 21:45

The last recording today starts with the 1Xtra advert. There’s also a trail for Celebrity Scissorhands and for Can Fat Teens Hunt which is so “Monkey Tennis” it hurts.

There’s also another Might Boosh trail.

Then, a new episode of Heroes.07%.

Bennet gets a visit in his cell from Claire, but after last week, he’s not falling for Candice’s chameleon trick.

Nathan talks to Linderman in his vault, who shows off his superpower – healing.

Linderman explains his plan. He’s been arranging things, and the end result is Peter Petrelli wiping out most of New York. “A united sense of hope couched in a united sense of fear. And it is your destiny, Nathan, to be the leader who uses this event to rally a city, a nation, a world.” He also shows why he’s so confident that he can get Nathan into the White House. He has an Isaac Mendez painting to prove it.

Peter and Sylar have a big fight in Mohinder’s apartment, until Sylar hurls a lot of broken glass towards where Peter went invisible, and one of the shards goes right into his brain and kills him.

Niki’s boyfriend D.L. tells her (or Jessica) that he’s going to take Micah away. “He’s not safe as long as Linderman owns our lives. Not as long as you’re around. Look at what you brought into our house.” “What, money? Rent? Poor me.” Then a man arrives to take her to see Linderman.

Mohinder brings Peter’s body to the Petrelli’s house. Still dead. Everyone’s sad.

Linderman tells Jessica that he needs Micah’s ability. “You need something from me, point and I’ll shoot. Micah’s off limits.” “The request was a courtesy, dear.” “Send anyone you want. You’re not touching my son.”

Bennet guides Parkman on how to escape from his cell, Parkman frees Sprague, who them uses an EMP to kill the alarms and security systems, so they can get Bennet and escape.

Nathan, too is very sad about Peter, although “He isn’t supposed to die this way” isn’t the positive emotional expression when Nathan knows exactly how Peter’s supposed to die, and it’s a lot worse than this.

Claire’s still there, and asks to have time alone with him which they reluctantly allow, then Claire does the thing that others really ought to have done before this, and pulls out the glass shard from his head, so he then revives.

Bennet, Parkman and Sprague are making plans. Parkman has worked out (before Bennet did) that Linderman is the one really running the company.

Talking of Linderman, he comes personally to meet with Micah, and Jessica seems perfectly happy to give him up. Until the car drives off, and she turns back into Candice the shapechanger.

Mohinder still thinks Peter is dead so he turns to someone to help him. It’s Thompson.

Sylar goes to Isaac, who knew he was coming. “It’s all right. I finally know my part in all this. To die here with you. But not before I show them how to kill you… ..and stop the bomb. I finally get to be a hero.”

Claire and Nathan finally talk. He tells her he wants to look after her, but he can’t do it while the election is going on. “It’s just one week.” “And then what?” “And then you come home to your family.” Then there’s an awkward hug. Maybe’s it’s not always about the hugs.

Sylar is now painting the future. He has a slightly different art style to Isaac.

Finally, we go to Hiro and Ando, who transported five years into the future to the balcony of Isaac Mendez’s apartment. In the apartment, Hiro wants to look for clues as to what went wrong, so he can fix it. He also thinks Isaac might still be alive. He finds the apartment full of a rather crazy timeline of criss-crossed string and note.

Isaac isn’t there, but someone else is. It’s Hiro from the Future. I have to say, this show is still delivering on these cliffhangers.

Media Centre Description: Drama series in which people all over the world deal with the newly-discovered superpowers they possess.

Recorded from BBC THREE on Wednesday 7th November 2007 22:00

BBC Genome: BBC THREE Wednesday 7th November 2007 22:00

After this, there’s 60 Seconds of news.

There’s a trail for Titty Bang Bang 3 then the recording stops during Celebrity Scissorhands.


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