Day: August 11, 2023

Charlie and Lola – 03 Oct 2006

A slight change of pace today with two episodes of a brand new series of Charlie and Lola starting with It is Absolutely Completely Not Messy. It starts with Lola playing with her elephant. “Trump, trump, trump through the forest.”

Charlie and Lola’s mum and dad want them to tidy their room, but Lola thinks it’s tidy enough. Everything is where it’s supposed to be.

Charlie tries to persuade her, reminding her of the time Marv fell on her castle when he slipped on some marbles that had been left on the floor.

Charlie prefers things in the right place.

Lola does try to tidy up, but she gets distracted. I identify very strongly with Lola here.

Charlie moves his bed out of their room.

Lola misses Charlie and that’s enough to make her want to tidy up.

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. Lola just won’t tidy up the bedroom. Try as he might, Charlie simply can’t persuade her that a tidy room is a good thing. In the end, Charlie has to point out that it’s his room too. He is forced to take a desperate measure. Will this encourage Lola to tidy up?

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Tuesday 03 October 2006 08:30

The next episode of Charlie and Lola is I Spy With My Little Eye. Lola has joined MI5 as she’s taken up spying.

She and Soren Lorenson go spying. They see a puddle outside. “What does it mean?” “Or, who has made the puddle?” “I know…an ogre, a big ogre who cries a lot. Cos if an ogre cried, he’d have big tears, then there’d be a big puddle.”

They also find a big shoe. Perhaps that one belongs to an ogre too.

Someone is moving in across the hall. “That’s a very big clock.” “Or a very, very tiny watch for a very, very big ogre.”

Lola is worried that an ogre might be moving in si they investigate. There’s a letter for the new people on the mat (strange postal service they have there) and Lola reads it. It’s addressed to “A Wolf”. A wolf is moving in.

But the more they think about it, the scarier it seems.

So Charlie takes Lola to see. He knocks on the door and introduces himself. “Hello. I’m Charlie and this is my sister, Lola. We live there. Have you just moved in?” “Oh, yes. I’m Arnold, Arnold Wolf.”

Media Centre Description: Children’s animation. Join Lola and Charlie, a brother and sister, as they deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. When Charlie goes out with Marv, Lola decides to play spies with her imaginary friend Soren Lorenson. When the two intrepid detectives spy a removal van outside the flats they are convinced that an ogre will be moving in. Charlie comes home and tries to persuade them that they can’t possibly be right.

BBC Genome: CBeebies Tuesday 03 October 2006 16:00