Day: August 9, 2023

Extras – That Mitchell and Webb Look – 28 Sept 2006

The first recording today starts with a trailer for Robin Hood.

Then, another episode of Extras. We get to see the title sequence for When The Whistle Blows.

Andy watches the show, still in his costume. Which implies that the show is going out while they’re still recording future episodes. This is fairly unlikely, and even less likely for a show that started with an actual pilot episode.

He’s offered a small part in a fantasy movie. One of his co-stars is Warwick Davis, with whom Gervais and Merchant would later go on to make Life’s Too Short.

Daniel Radcliffe is the star of the film, and his schtick is that he hits on all the women on set (including Maggie).

On the catering bus, Radcliffe sits with Maggie and Andy, and when Maggie goes to get some coffee and tea, he asks Andy for a favour. “Look, when she comes back, right, make some excuse and leave us alone, will you.” “What you got planned?” Radcliffe takes out a condom from his poclet. “You, you’ve unravelled it.” “Ready for action. Just hope it’s big enough.” Then he pings it and it vanishes over his shoulder.

This is a funny gag, but immediately trumped as he turns round to ask “Em, can I have my johnny back?” to Dame Diana Rigg.

Maggie gets Andy in trouble again, talking to Warwick Davis’ fiancée. “Andy was just saying that if you didn’t mind someone who’s a little bit taller, then he’s up for it.”

Andy takes Maggie to a nice restaurant, but gets annoyed about a young boy playing a handheld video game and making noise at a nearby table. He really is a miserable sod. He complains to the waitress, and as he’s complaining, Maggie sees the boy turn round, and he’s got Downs Syndrome, but she doesn’t manage to stop Andy complaining, and the boy’s mother comes over and has a go at Andy.

Next morning, he’s doorstepped by a reporter.

“Barry” reads the report. “£200 for a meal for two! How the other half live.”

There’s then a montage of TV coverage of the story, starting with Matthew Wright in The Wright Stuff

Nick Ferrari on LBC, and we can hear the story mutating in real time.

Fern Britton and Philip Schofield (!). “Coming up today: what made rising star Andy Millman punch a defenceless Down’s syndrome child and his elderly, wheel-chair bound mother in the face?”

As damage control, Andy’s agent Darren appears on Richard and Judy, and naturally makes things even worse, throwing the word “Mongoloid” around willy nilly. I do like Richard Madeley here. When Darren says “If you had a bunch of people lined up and you know, one of them was a mongoloid and they had their backs to you, I defy anyone to be able to tell which one it was” Madeley replies “I think I could.” “I don’t think you could.” “No, I’m sorry I think I could, um, look… Can we try and sort that out for tomorrow?”

At least Darren gets in a plug for “Barry’s” new CD of songs from the shows.

Andy has to try to rescue the situation, by buying the young boy an XBox. Darren still manages to screw up more, by announcing that Andy’s fee from the movie he’s making will be donated to a charity of their choice.

Back on the film set, Daniel Radcliffe is now hitting on Warwick’s fiancée, and Warwick isn’t happy about it.

Andy tries to mediate, but Warwick also knows that Andy was talking about his fiancée too, and starts attacking him. Andy doesn’t know how to handle it, and ends up kneeing him in the face and knocking him down.

“Have you still got that catsuit from The Avengers?” “Go away, Daniel.”

More bad headlines. And since he’s been fired from the film, he has to make his donation from his fee for the sitcom.

Media Centre Description: Sitcom about a former TV extra who gets his own show. Andy Millman learns that you shouldn’t get on the wrong side of the British press. He needs a reliable and experienced PR guru to save his career. Enter Darren Lamb, his agent.

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Thursday 28 September 2006 21:00

After this, there’s a look forward to the That Mitchell and Webb Look and Mock The Week, then a very well done advert for Radio Two.

Then the recording ends with the start of That Mitchell and Webb Look.

But worry not, because I also have a recording of that episode. Starting with the angry police detective who has to phone back and apologise after shouting at a colleague.

The estate agent showing a couple around a property.

A very long sketch starting with comedy duo Fish and Chip. Barry Chip has a bombshell for his partner. “I want to leave the act. The truth is, I’ve been talking to Roger Pin of Pin and Cushion. He and John Cushion haven’t been getting on very well for a couple of years now, and well, there’s no easy way of saying this, but me and Roger Pin, we want to form our own act.” “Pin and Chip?” “Chip and Pin. It’s a new way of making credit and debit card transactions more secure, and it’s going to be massive.”

But the ironic twist is that their abandoned partners team up as “Fish and Cushion” and are a huge hit.

They even get the advertising gig for the introduction of Chip and Pin machines.

The Judgemental Priest

The Snooker commentators have been doing a bit of home brewing.

More Numberwang, with some variations.

And an appearance by Gyles Brandreth

The Green Clarinet, which makes people reveal unpleasant truths about themselves.

When it’s used for evil, it’s finally beaten by the red tuba.

The early days of Television. “I’m just being told in my earpiece, which you just might be able to make out…”

A sketch about inviting the Scooby Doo gang for dinner.

The All Party Committee to Combat Footling Social Misunderstandings.

The first appearance of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Media Centre Description: Comedy sketch show starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. Includes a new government initiative to simplify asking for a chair in a pub; a clip from the first TV broadcast in history; and a green clarinet that makes you reveal embarrassing truths. With Olivia Colman, James Bachman, Paterson Joseph and Abigail Burdess.

Recorded from BBC TWO on Thursday 28 September 2006 21:28

BBC Genome: BBC TWO Thursday 28 September 2006 21:30

After this, a trail for Mock The Week

A trailer for Robin Hood featuring the Sheriff of Nottingham, Keith Allen.

A trail for Lead Balloon.

Plus a trail for QI

Then the start of Mock The Week.